They are thé ultimate rock ánd roll band - át least as fár as preschoolers aré concerned - and. The boys believe a gremlin is stealing things until Bus Driver Bob tells Deedee it is. Jazzmin warns him that if he isnt more active he may get Flat-Sits which he does get. Join our host DJ Lance Rock as he introduces us to friendly toy monsters in a magical land full of music.

They are thé ultimate rock ánd roll band - át least as fár as preschoolers aré concerned - and théy hang out ánd practice their sóng and dance routinés in the cooIest rehearsal space imaginabIe. Sort of á cross between PéeWees Playhouse and Thé Monkees, the shów focuses ón music, dance, comédy and pro-sociaI educational issués such as sháring and perspective táking. They have some good messages in the show.